May News – 2023

Well, we are back into the swing of things and league play is now underway! Hope you had a nice & Happy Mother’s Day!

We always have room for more golfers for our club if you know of someone that hasn’t found a home please share our club information😊😊

Thanks to everyone who attended the Spring Meeting, hope you enjoyed the fun and fellowship. We are going to continue with our monthly newsletters to share information about events and other club or course news. Here is a recap from the Spring Meeting. Please feel free to reach out at any time to one of the executive members or simply send an email if you have a question or concern, we are open to hear from you.

From the President – Karen Tyacke

Welcome back ladies! You have joined a community of amazing women who are linked by a common outlook: a love of golf, a thirst for a challenge, a generous spirit, and a great sense of fun!

Right now, we have 69 registered and 4 are new members. We have many hard-working volunteers ensuring the success of our club this year. We look forward to seeing you on the greens!

From the Handicap Coordinator – Tressa Bosley

I am so looking forward to golfing with everyone this year and hope you all have a great season!

Once again, I am looking forward to this season of golf and being the Handicap Coordinator. I will work closely with the 9 and 18-hole Captains to provide any assistance they require related to handicaps and I encourage everyone to keep track of your handicaps because it is a great way to see how you have improved over the season. It also allows us to make equitable teams for our tournaments like the Trilogy and Mixed Tournament. A new role for me is the Pro Shop Manager.

Refresh from the Rules Committee

  • Hole #2, the water channel in front of the green. This is a penalty area. – Hole #3, there is not out of bounds between #3 and #5.
  • Hole #8, the out of bounds is on the right side only. The power line rule says if you hit the power line or power pole then the stroke does not count, you may play a ball without penalty from the previous spot.
  • Hole #9, the out of bounds starts at the white stakes on the right side. There is not out of bounds between holes #8 and #9.

A message from your Captains!

9 Hole Ladies Golf
-Rhonda Navin & Donna Smith

Welcome to Golf 2023 Ladies!

We are looking forward to being your Captain and Co-Captain. We have some fun and exciting plans for the season, and it is our sincere hope that everyone will enjoy themselves!

We will be getting a shotgun start again this season. In May we will start at 9 a.m. and we will meet in the parking lot at 8:30 to pick our teams. Starting in June we will have an 8:30 a.m. start, meeting in the parking lot at 8 a.m. If you have your name tag from last year to put in the bucket, please bring it and if you do not, please let Rhonda know in advance and she will get one made up for you. Also, please remember to sign in on the sign in sheet when you arrive. We would like to speed up play this year and if possible be done in a 2-hour time slot. It all begins with the efficiency in which we can sign in, pick our teams, and get on the course. But also, please ensure that we all leave the clubhouse at the same time with our entire team! It will be great to have a round of golf and then go into the restaurant for some socializing, food and 50/50 fun!

9 hole fixture card

18 Hole Ladies Golf
-Karen Cumbers and Keely Reibling

Welcome to Golf 2023 Ladies!

We are looking forward to being your Captain and Co-Captain. We have 28 people signed up to golf on Mondays with the 18-hole group. Of the 28 people, 17 are playing both 18- and 9-hole leagues. If you are playing in both leagues, please advise Karen which league you plan to play competitions, since you can only compete in one league.

The Fixture Card is complete and is posted on the website. We have added some dates of nearby tournaments on the Fixture Card in case anyone is interested in entering them.

18 hole fixture card


2023 RIVERHURST: Organizer Kim Graff

It is booked for June 19 & 20

It is open for the first 32 ladies who register
Price $199.00/ per person
Includes 2 rounds of 18 holes golf with cart supper, breakfast and accommodation (2 per room)

Registration is open but space is filling up fast so if you are interested, contact Riverhurst directly to
reserve your spot – phone # is 306-353-2077 and once you have reserved then let Kim know.

Once Kim has the list of people who are booked to attend she will keep you up to date on all the information you need to know i.e. snacks etc or a waiting list if there is a demand

“If you don’t make it, you will feel the worst. We have such a good time; you can go on a drive. So, sign up fast, you don’t want to be last!”

2023 Sun Ice Pro Lady Golf (18 hole) Tournament

Hello RBLGC members, the 2023 Sun Ice Pro Lady Golf (18 hole) Tournament will be held at the Regina Wascana Golf and Country Club on Monday June 5, 2023. It is for all skill levels.
Time: 1:30 pm shotgun start

Format: Best 3 of 4 net scores

All ladies must have a current Golf Canada Index. A meal will be provided immediately following the round. Each participant will receive a gift from Sunice.

The Regina Beach Ladies Golf Club will put in a team with the Pro, our 2022 Club Champion and two other members interested.

This is a call for members to reply to this email indicating if you want to put your name in for a draw to be chosen to attend. This draw is open to both 9-hole and 18-hole members for this 18-hole tournament.

The maximum cost to be included will be approx. $144 each.

Please reply if you are interested by Friday May 19, 2023 by noon.

A draw will be made and announced by the end of the day Friday.

Barry Eizenzimmer has agreed to be our Pro.

2023 REGINA LADIES OPEN: Organizer Regina Ladies Open Committee

Registration is now open for the 2023 Regina Ladies Open June 26th and 27th presented by Regina Dental Group 123 Dentist. Please click on the link below to register; payment can be made by e- transfer to Include the name of the golfer participating in the payment method.

ENTRY FEE: $185: Includes two rounds of golf, door prizes, raffle, 50-50,

Monday Taco Bar, Tuesday Awards Luncheon


Field limited to first 100 entries (No refunds after deadline)

Registration Link

RBLGC Mixed Tournament is planned for July 19, 2023. It has been decided that this tournament will rotate between the Ladies and Mens Clubs with our club hosting it this year. More details to come.

RBLGC Trilogy Tournament is planned for July 24, 2023. More details to come.

LOBSTICK: The Lobstick Tournaments (Ladies August 21 – 25) are open to players of all skill levels and offer participants the thrill of friendly competition. Qualifying rounds are held in all tournaments to determine equitable flighting for the match play and stroke play components of the events.

ROSEBOWL: at Moon Lake Golf and Country Club just south of Saskatoon on Aug. 9-10. The 36-hole two-day net-team women’s event has a strong history with over 50 years of the tournament being held.